
These Are My Favorite Ways to Deal With Anxiety

Anxiety can sneak up on me when I least expect it. Even when I’m having a great day, something small could make my mind start racing. These are my favorite ways to deal with anxiety when it rears its ugly head. Anyone can find long-term relief by trying new things, but I’ve found the most success with these strategies.

1. Call a Friend

My anxiety always grows more powerful when it consumes my mind. They can become overwhelming and trap me in negative thought spirals, but calling a loved one is a quick way to turn that around. It’s also comforting to know that strong, lasting relationships improve your mental health later in life.

Whether it’s my best friend or a family member, I always feel better after venting for a few minutes. They’ll either give me a few comforting words or help me find a solution, depending on what helps most at that moment.

2. Step Away From the Situation

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) produces intense cortisol because your brain believes you’re in life-threatening danger and need to escape. Even if I’m only in danger of making a recipe the wrong way, stepping away can treat that instinctual psychological reaction.

Leave the room or go outside for a breath of fresh air. It always reminds me that the world is so much bigger than whatever challenge I’m facing. The anxiety loses its grip on my thoughts and I can return to whatever was bothering me with the confidence I need to tackle it.

3. Get More Active

There are a few reasons why exercise is one of my favorite ways to deal with anxiety. Getting my heart rate up by going for a jog creates endorphins, which immediately switch anyone’s brain to a positive mindset. Research also shows that high-intensity, quick rounds of exercise are more effective than low-intensity classes that take an hour of your day away.

Getting an indoor bike, treadmill or local gym membership could help you find the same relief. Working out just a few times per week always helps me keep my anxiety much lower than my average baseline.

4. Check My Diet

Food allergies don’t complicate my standard diet, but that doesn’t mean I can eat anything without physical repercussions. Foods and drinks high in sugar cause increased cellular inflammation, resulting in digestive upset and more anxiety than usual. I typically find that my mental health suffers if I get back into drinking energy drinks or relying on sugary snacks to get through the day.

Revising your diet is a quick anxiety solution. Remove irritants like sugar, alcohol and wheat to start eating meals free of trigger foods. You’ll have more energy and peace when your body isn’t fighting inflammation and causing more anxiety.

5. Rearrange My Schedule

Restlessness can sometimes mask itself as anxiety. If I’ve been in the same routine for too long, I’ll get antsy and more susceptible to spiraling thought patterns. Shifting my schedule even in minor ways can help with that. I’ve added fifteen minutes of meditating to my mornings and reserved three nights a week for friend time to change things up before. It makes me feel more in control of my life, which is a gut punch to anxiety disorders.

6. Rest Before Sleeping

When I can’t sleep, my anxiety is ten times worse. Everyone needs enough rest to process through their sleep cycle and rejuvenate themselves before a new day begins. Gluing my eyes to my phone screen after the light goes out makes it harder for my mind to unwind. The same goes for drinking coffee in the afternoon or working late at night.

Try new activities to figure out what helps you relax at night. I’ve found that indulging in a facial scrub and a moisturizing mask slows my thoughts in the hour before bed. Sometimes I like to read with a clip-on light attached to my book or listen to a meditation playlist after closing my eyes. They’re things I wouldn’t have tried if I didn’t experience the life-changing difference in my anxiety after a whole night’s rest. For alternative methods, some find relief from anxiety and achieve restful sleep through the use of cannabis.

7. Pause My Caffeine Intake

I used to grab a coffee a few hours after lunch to get through that dreaded afternoon slump. Then I learned that caffeine shares many symptoms with anxiety, like a rapid heart rate and restlessness. It would make my mental health shaky and prevent me from falling asleep at the time I needed. If my anxiety worsens, I always ensure that I’m not drinking coffee or energy drinks too late in the day. Putting them on pause helps immensely if they’ve become a problem again.

8. Talk With a Therapist

It’s never a bad time to talk with a mental health professional. I’ve met with many throughout my life, both in-person and online. Their different perspectives gave me new ways to think about my anxiety and tools to dismantle it. If none of my other strategies relieve my anxiety, I usually schedule an appointment with my therapist to find out what else I can do to understand and mitigate it.

9. Combat Your Stress Levels

When dealing with unmanaged stress, this can contribute to high levels of anxiety. The relentless pressure of daily life, compounded by unresolved challenges, can gradually morph into a pervasive sense of apprehension and worry. Some people opt for yoga, meditation, creative hobbies, or some even use prescription or recreational drugs to ease their stress levels that are contributing to their anxieties. Bubble hash, with its concentrated cannabinoids and terpenes, offers potential benefits for managing anxiety symptoms. The cannabinoids found in bubble hash, particularly CBD, have been shown to have anxiolytic properties, meaning they can help alleviate feelings of anxiety and promote relaxation. You can Learn about bubble hash in this guide by Lowtemp Industries, and why its purity, potency and production makes it a popular concentrate for those in search of relaxation. 

Learn How to Deal With Anxiety

These are a few of my favorite ways to deal with anxiety that could help you too. Try new ideas to solve your ongoing symptoms and always remember that therapists are there to help if nothing works. Managing anxiety is a lifelong process that requires an open mind and lifestyle adaptions when necessary.

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