
Establishing a Healthy Sleep Routine for Your Baby

All new parents prepare themselves for many sleepless nights when they’re waiting for their new arrival. And it’s true that you have to get used to waking frequently. It could be a while before your baby sleeps through the night.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to have a routine. Your baby can still have a sleep routine, even as a newborn.

There are various techniques you can use to help settle your baby (and you) into a routine and make sure your baby gets enough sleep.

It’s not necessarily an easy thing to do, but it’s worth putting in the effort to help make sleep a bit easier for everyone. When you want to craft a sleep routine that works for your family, try some of these tips to make it happen.

Know How Often Your Baby Needs to Sleep

It’s no secret that newborn babies need to sleep a lot and will wake frequently for feeds. As your baby gets older, their sleep needs and habits will start to change. You can be familiar with when your baby needs to sleep at any age by using wake windows.

These suggest how long your baby should be awake in between sleeps so that you can ensure they are tired enough to fall asleep without being so tired they can’t settle.

You can use wake windows by month, adjusting how long your baby is awake depending on their age.

However, you should also adapt to their specific needs, as every baby is different.

Be Active When Your Baby Is Awake

When your baby is awake, encouraging them to be active can be an important part of ensuring a healthy sleep routine.

By getting your baby to be active and engaged when awake, you can ensure they are tired enough to sleep when it’s time for a nap.

There are lots of things you can do to engage your baby’s mind and get them moving their body too. Talking, dancing, singing, tummy time, and other activities can all help to keep your baby active and tire them out.

Create a Bedtime Routine

When it’s time for bed, having a routine will help to indicate that it’s time to go to sleep and give your baby a chance to relax. There are lots of things you might include in a bedtime routine for your baby, including having a bath, brushing teeth, reading a story, listening to relaxing music or singing a lullaby, and having a cuddle.

A bedtime routine might not make sense right away, but some experts suggest you could introduce one from about 3 months old when your baby is sleeping more at night.

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Differentiate Between Night and Day

It can be helpful to start differentiating between night and day from the beginning. This helps your baby to start learning that night is for sleeping, and daytime is for being awake.

Of course, they won’t immediately sleep through the night, but it will help to set them up for later. During the day, you might open the curtains or blinds, be active when they’re awake, and try not to worry about making everyday noises when they sleep.

At night, lower the lights, create a quiet environment, and start to let your baby learn to settle themselves.

Be Prepared for Changes

Creating a consistent sleep routine is achievable at different ages, but you can still expect to have to make changes as your baby grows. You might have to adjust to changing sleep needs or anything that could upset your baby’s routine, such as teething or growth spurts.

Being able to adapt and change routines when necessary can help to make it easier to manage as your baby’s habits evolve. Be prepared for seeming backslides too, as your baby could start waking more frequently than they were previously. Use technology whenever possible, such as a smart baby monitor to help you out.

Follow Safe Sleep Recommendations

Remember to familiarize yourself with safe sleep recommendations for your baby. Experts recommend having your baby in the same room as you when they’re sleeping for the first six months, as it can reduce the risk of SIDS.

However, they should have their own bed and nothing that could cover their face. If you use a blanket, it should be tucked in securely and no higher than their shoulders.

Your baby should be placed on their back, with their feet at the foot of the crib or Moses basket and you should make sure they don’t get too hot or too cold.

Sleep routines can be challenging with your baby, but consistency is key if you want to create a healthy routine for everyone.

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